14 Awesome Adventurous Activities That Won’t Kill You . . . (But Might Make...

Subwing Diving Do you like adventure but are not overly athletic and have no suicidal tendencies? Are you looking for the next crazy stunt destined to be included in a new Mountain Dew commercial? There...

10 Best Places For Couples In Italy

Are you a couple heading for Italy? Are you hoping to make your stay there a romantic getaway? Italy’s lush green hillsides, cobblestoned streets, olive groves, verdant vineyards, and candlelit restaurants can provide just...

The World’s 30 Most Beautiful Buildings

  Many people travel all over the world for their love of architecture.  Some say it is an art that is “appreciated by many” but “perfected by” a previous few.  Some may claim that...

15 Top Things to Do in Venice, Italy

Are you going to Italy? Venice is a beautiful, ancient city with quite a long history. If you’re going to vacation in Venice, you’ll have a lot of activities from which to choose. Here...

Best World Destinations For an Unforgettable Vacation

The world is filled with innumerable intriguing and fascinating places that satiate your appetite for unique experiences. How does one choose the perfect destination for a vacation when there are so many attractive options...

15 Fantastic Free Places to Stay Around the World

Do you enjoy international travel? Would you travel more if you had more money or could find some way to cut costs? Are you creative or industrious? If so, read on, as we present...

Top 10 Incredibly Fascinating Historical Sites Around The World

Planet earth is filled with intriguing natural and artificial things to experience. It is replete with everything from traces of civilizations dating back thousands of years to historical sites that tell tales of evolution...

14 Awesome Places That Look Even More Dazzling in Winters

Winter is that wonderful time of the year when there’s just something magical about the air. There are festivals, gifts, holidays, food and of course, the surreal snow. The landscape is enigmatically transformed and...

The 35 Coolest Pools On The Planet

Who needs a beach if you have a cool place to kick back that’s free of sand in nasty places and shark bites? If you agree and enjoy super swimming pools at homes, hotels,...

12 Top Exotic Black Sand Beaches On Earth

Are you looking for something different?  If the typical day at the beach no longer appeals to you then we’ve got something for you.  Here in both warm and cold climates are the 12...

Top 10 most spectacular coastlines on the planet

Top 10 most spectacular coastlines! There’s something raw and earthy about some our coastlines. Fantastic views, rugged landscapes, and crashing waves all make for some memorable scenery. Here then, are the top 10 most spectacular...

Most Beautiful Streets in the World That Are Straight Out of a Dream

Well yes the street we live on is special for all of us and probably the most beautiful in the world. However, there are streets around the planet that truly capture the visitor’s imagination...

14 Best European Destinations for Solo Travel

Europe is one of the planet’s best continents to head for a solo trip. Flights are well connected and not very long. Plus, it also scores high on tourist infrastructure, culture, places of interest,...

10 Most Famous Fountains Worth Visiting

Water is essential to life. Without it, we cannot exist. Perhaps that is one reason why we have an interest in it. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is fortunate enough to live near...

20 Cheap Ways We Can Travel Through Europe (And Save Hundreds)

  Traveling in Europe can be expensive, but if you’re smart it doesn’t have to be. There are some very practical ways to save money that don’t require too much effort or sacrifice. While our...