The World’s 30 Most Beautiful Buildings

  Many people travel all over the world for their love of architecture.  Some say it is an art that is “appreciated by many” but “perfected by” a previous few.  Some may claim that...

22 Mysterious Monuments From Ancient Civilizations

There are some questions that may never be answered. Even today, archaeologists and other researchers are unable to solve the mysteries left behind by some previous people. Indeed, here are 22 mysterious monuments from...

17 Underrated Natural Wonders In Europe You’ve Yet To See

   By now our regular readers know that Europe has some incredibly beautiful landscapes that include everything from epic alpine scenery and fairytale-like forests to romantic island paradises.  Still, we have no intention of sitting...

25 Most Desirable Honeymoon Destinations For 2018

If you thought we’d restrict our honeymoon destinations only to fancy beaches and hackneyed experiences think again. Yes, there are lots of beaches and islands but there are plenty of other experiences such as...

15 Perfect Winter Wonderlands From Across the Globe

  Are you in the mood for something different this holiday season? Do you enjoy winter but want to avoid the holiday blues? Try getting away to one of these 15 perfect winter wonderlands. Munich, Germany Munich...

14 Awesome Adventurous Activities That Won’t Kill You . . . (But Might Make...

Subwing Diving Do you like adventure but are not overly athletic and have no suicidal tendencies? Are you looking for the next crazy stunt destined to be included in a new Mountain Dew commercial? There...

The 15 Greenest Countries on Earth

If you’ve ever wondered exactly what different countries in the world are doing in terms of climate change, preserving essential ecosystems, investing in renewable resources, and so forth, then you have come to the...

Most Beautiful Streets in the World That Are Straight Out of a Dream

Well yes the street we live on is special for all of us and probably the most beautiful in the world. However, there are streets around the planet that truly capture the visitor’s imagination...

14 Stunning Places Around the World That You Didn’t Even Know Existed

The world is filled with plenty of incredible places that are not as popular as the more touristy destinations owing to several factors such as accessibility or because they remain undiscovered by popular media....

10 Most Beautiful National Parks Of Europe

If you’re looking for a peaceful retreat in a land far, far away, the national parks of Europe are just the place. Europe has many beautiful places where everywhere you turn you’ll find spectacular...

The Best Christmas Markets in all of Europe

Are you torn between visiting Europe and celebrating the holidays? Well, read on, dear travelers. We have the best way for you to do both. Check out our list of the top Christmas markets...

The 19 coolest places for your European holiday

  If you’re looking for some truly inspired suggestions about new travel destinations then stick with us. We polled co-workers and researched what travel experts had to say on the subject of less obvious vacation...

Dizzying Walking Bridges Only For The Brave

  Do you have a fear of falling? Are you looking for an unusual way to beat that fear? Then check out these 10 bridges that some have labeled “only for the brave.” Take a...

The 10 Most Dangerous Waters On Earth

  What typical vacation does not include an ocean, lake, pond or some other body of water? Unfortunately, there are some bodies of water that can be dangerous if not downright deadly to the uninformed....

12 Top Exotic Black Sand Beaches On Earth

Are you looking for something different?  If the typical day at the beach no longer appeals to you then we’ve got something for you.  Here in both warm and cold climates are the 12...