

5.  Dragon Trees, Spain 

Head to the lush, fertile isle of Tenerife in the Canary Islands of Spain. These stunning subtropical trees can actually be found all over the Canary Islands, but these curious trees are specifically symbolic of Tenerife. They are named from the striking blood-red sap they produce and have thin, straight leaves, and tightly packed branches.

Oddly enough, dragon trees belong to the very same scientific family as asparagus. The trees are also a symbol of fertility, and heavily steeped in mysticism to boot. The most famous dragon tree on this island is the “Drago Milenario” or the Millennial Dragon Tree. It is located in northern Tenerife in the little town of Icod de los Vinos. It is approximately 1,000 years old and thus is the oldest of its kind.

6.  The Crooked Trees, Poland

Travel to one of Poland’s greenest regions, West Pomerania. For it is here that you will find the night legendary Crooked Forest. The Crooked Forest is a famous series of 22 different rows of trees, all of which have curved bases that point to the north. The locals have yet to learn if these strange trees were planted in a way to make them bend or if they simply bend naturally. Regardless of which is true, everyone agrees they really do look like something that came from a strange planet. 

(Continued on next page)




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