

Estonia Tallinn

One of the few places on the planet to meld modern with medieval, Estonia’s capital is complete with ancient turrets and shiny glass skyscrapers. It’s reportedly one of the best-preserved walled cities in Europe and it’s inexpensive too.

Finland Finnish Lakeland

The Finnish Lakeland or Jrvi-Suomi was created by the shifting of glaciers thousands of years ago. It’s one of the most impressive natural masterpieces in Europe. It’s a unique labyrinth of thousands of islands, rivers, streams, and ponds.

France Giverny

This is the birthplace of French impressionism. It’s the real-world setting for many famous works by artist Claude Monet. Explore this fairytale-like garden of weeping willows, water lilies, and rose arches ensconced in Normandy countryside.

Georgia Ushguli

This small village is set almost 7,200 feet above sea level. It’s the highest settlement in all of Europe (excluding Amsterdam–get it?). Hike in the Caucasus Mountains or ride horseback to the popular Shkhara glacier.



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  2. Hello! Thanks for your comment and sharing, (I studied French in high school and college and only know enough Spanish and German to get my face slapped in a bar. lol)
    As always thanks for reading my stuff too!

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