Home China 11 Magical Fairytale Places To See In Your Lifetime

11 Magical Fairytale Places To See In Your Lifetime



Do words like “magical” and “fairy tales” bring Disney-like images to mind? Do you imagine towering castles and quaint, humble villages ensconced in a landscape of lush, verdant forests and majestic mountains? Believe it or not, there are places on our planet that look just like something out of a storybook. So step right this way, dear reader, as we prepare to take you on a magical tour of 11 fairytale destinations.

Bavaria, Germany

Bavaria is Germany’s largest federal state. Here you will find everything you need for a fairytale setting including quaint towns, breathtaking castles, and snow-capped mountain tops. In fact, Bavaria’s famous Neuschwanstein Castle was actually the inspiration for Disney’s Cinderella castle.

This castle is not only impressive but it is ensconced at the very foot of the stunning Alps. Looking for more scenic magic? Take a little road trip on Germany’s popular Romantic Road. Stop and see Wurzburg and Rothenburg ob der Tauber too.

(Continued on next page)



  1. Thanks for your generous offer. We have someone on staff who lives there too but no sense in adding more work to his plate! Thanks for reading my stuff too!


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